How can I find a job with little or no experience in the industry?

Looking for a job in a new industry you have never worked in may seem daunting. One of the first steps you can take is to revamp your resume and review your past work experience. Take a look at the transferable skills that you have developed in your previous career or experiences and emphasize those on your resume. Find out which areas you need to build on, and consider upgrading those skills. Check out our “Too School or Not Too School” virtual workshop recording which outlines the free training and educational opportunities that are available through WorkBC, how to access student loans and hear real-life examples that demonstrate the benefits of investing in your education for the future!

Whether you go back to school or take a free course online, having the related education will boost your application that much further. If you need additional support, WorkLink Employment Society can help you on your career journey to success. We offer various free employment programs and resources that can help achieve sustainable and meaningful employment. Connect with WorkLink to learn more about how we can help you!