How hiring inclusively will benefit your business

Written by | Shannon – Customized Employment Advisor 

Celebrating people with diverse abilities, how beneficial it is to a business to hire inclusively

If you’ve worked with people with diverse abilities previously you likely understand how loyal, dedicated, and punctual they are, as well as what amazing outside-the-box thinkers they can be. People with diverse abilities often see problems and situations differently than the average person and can bring diversity to a company through critical thinking and logic that someone else may not be able to see.  

The myth that people with diverse abilities are not as productive as regular employees has been disproven time and again. Workers with diverse abilities are productive employees, in fact, several large companies in Canada have reported that people with diverse abilities perform as well or better than the average employee. 


The stats don’t lie 

  • A 2013 Canadian study found that 92% of individuals surveyed regarded companies hiring people with intellectual diverse abilities more favourable than their competitors, and 87% indicated that they would prefer to give their business to companies that employ people with diverse abilities.  
  • 75% or more of employers rate workers with intellectual diverse abilities as good or very good when evaluating on performance reviews. 
  • Workers with diverse abilities are very proud of their accomplishments and are committed to their work. They take pride in their jobs and have one of the highest retention rates among employees in Canada. Along with high employee retention rates, they also have one of the lowest rates of absenteeism. 
  • One of the most common questions employers ask when they are exploring the idea of hiring someone with diverse abilities is if they will be safe in the workplace. The answer is an astounding yes- those with diverse abilities have been shown to be equally as safe or safer than other employees. 98% of people with a diverse ability rate average or higher in the workplace safety culture than their nondisabled co-workers.  
  • Customers don’t lie: Of 803 respondents 92% gave favourable ratings to companies that hired people with diverse abilities and 98% were satisfied or very satisfied with the services they received when interacting at a business with an employee with a diverse ability.* 
  • Stats Canada showed that there are 645,000 Canadians with diverse abilities who have the potential to work in an inclusive labour market and are not currently working.**  

Hiring inclusively helps a business have improved market representation and makes a more engaged, innovative, and sustainable work environment. 

Inclusive workplaces are good for business 

Organizations with inclusive cultures are:  

  • twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets 
  • three times as likely to be high performing 
  • six times more likely to be innovative and agile 
  • eight times more likely to achieve better business outcomes 


Research shows that inclusive practices help to: 

  • increase innovation  
  • improve productivity  
  • reduce turnover 
  • enhance job performance and work quality 
  • attract the best and brightest employees 
  • increase company morale 
  • increase employee satisfaction and engagement 
  • improve attendance 
  • improve safety records 
  • outperform in revenue growth 
  • gain access to more diverse markets and customers 


Plus, people like to support inclusive businesses!***  

Government Services that are available to help your company embrace diversity in the workplace 

There are several government services available to an employer to help support hiring someone with diverse abilities. WorkBC Centers offer Employment Services to clients who are looking for employment and employers who are looking for employees. Some of the services they offer include 

  • Matching opportunities to jobseekers 
  • wage subsidy program for employers  
  • customized employment programs 
  • financial aids to help clients get into sustainable employment 
  • case management, job development & job coaching   

If you are an employer looking for information on how to hire inclusively contact us to learn more.  


**source Hire persons with disabilities – 

***source Hire persons with disabilities –