WorkLink is proud to offer free government sponsored services, for job seekers to find and maintain sustainable employment.

Resource Room

Whether you are looking for work, considering changing careers or even thinking about self-employment, our friendly and professional staff are here to help you. All job seekers can gain access to wifi, computers, print off employment documents and more!

Joblinx: free enewsletter

Get the world of work delivered straight to your inbox with our JobLinx newsletter. Our in-house newsletter contains job postings, labour market information, employment trends and more.

Sign up

Employment Programs

We offer a variety of free employment programs for job seekers. These programs provide a supportive environment where participants can explore new choices and create positive solutions to their employment needs.

Job Board

Looking for work? Check out our job board! Our job board features local jobs across Southern Vancouver Island.

Visit the job board


Our in person and virtual workshops cover all aspects of job search and job retention to ensure you achieve your goals. We offer workshops that cover resume/ cover letter building, interview skills, identifying transferable skills and more!

See calendar