Making a Difference: Ways Employers Can Encourage Volunteering 

The holiday season can be a busy time of year for many people as they prepare for celebrations. However, the spirit of giving is a prominent aspect of the season that we can all agree on. As an employer, encouraging your employees to volunteer is a powerful way to impact the community and has added benefits for organizations. According to a study by the Institute of Personnel and Development, 80% of volunteers reported increased community awareness, 65% had improved communication skills, and 59% experienced increased confidence. Furthermore, 30% of a company’s brand value can be attributed to strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices, according to the Reputation Institute. In this blog post, you will discover the benefits of supporting employee volunteering and ways to encourage them to get involved. 


Provide Flexible Scheduling or Offer Paid Volunteer Time Off 

Providing employees with a flexible work schedule to participate in volunteer activities can be a huge benefit, given their busy lives outside of work. Consider shifting work hours or offering volunteering opportunities during weekends or after work hours. Additionally, offering paid volunteer time off (VTO) as a benefit is a valuable way to support the causes your employees care about. VTO allows employees to volunteer without losing pay, which can be a significant advantage for recruiting and retaining employees. According to a study by America’s Charities, 55% of employees prefer community-focused companies over profit-focused brands.  


Organize Volunteer Events or Partner With Non-profits 

Organizing volunteer events for your employees is a great way to promote team building and participation in the community. Projects could include taking part in charity walks or fundraising events. You can also create meaningful opportunities for your team by forging partnerships with non-profit organizations in your local community. Moreover, partnering with non-profits can help your brand reach new audiences you may have yet to tap into, enhancing your brand reputation. 


Recognize Employees  

An excellent way to appreciate employees’ commitment to the community is by highlighting their volunteer work on your company’s website or social media channels. By sharing their stories and demonstrating the positive impact they have made, you not only acknowledge their dedication but also may inspire others to participate. This recognition boosts employee morale and promotes a culture of community engagement within your organization.  


Foster a Culture of Giving Back  

If you want to foster volunteerism, integrate it into your company’s culture. A way to do this while including staff is to establish employee committees to coordinate volunteering efforts within the company. Creating committees can be an excellent way for employees to develop skills outside their current roles.  


Employers have a unique opportunity to encourage volunteering and make a difference in their communities. By implementing effective strategies, employers can create opportunities for their employees to volunteer, improving employee satisfaction, teamwork, and a more substantial brand reputation. Make a positive impact this season and throughout the year by encouraging your employees to volunteer and supporting them along the way.  


If you’re looking for ways to give back to the community of Greater Victoria, Volunteer Victoria offers a variety of volunteer opportunities.   


You can also check out WorkLink’s current volunteer opportunities! 


Digital Duos – Digital Mentor    

Are you tech-savvy? Consider becoming a Digital Mentor! Provide local seniors with guidance on how to use smart devices, computers and support for online safety.   


WorkLink Board Member   

Are you a community leader looking for more ways to support our community? Consider applying for WorkLink’s Board of Directors!