Access to our workshops

To access our workshops participants must be a registered client. If you are already a client, please ensure you have registered with our centre directly for the workshop before adding it to your calendar. Contact us to register for our employment services: 250-478-9525


Assertive Communication – Westshore Centre

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

If you think communication is all about talking - you haven’t been listening! Communication is NOT all talk. Active listening is one of the most difficult skills to learn and yet it is one of the most essential. Why do arguments start when you thought everything was fine? How can you escape an argument before […]


Basic Computer Skills – Westshore Centre

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

In this workshop you will learn the following: Microsoft Word Basics  Using the Internet and Email for Job Search  Android Basics  Internet Safety   


Resume Writing – Westshore Centre

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

To secure an interview, it's crucial to have a top-notch resume that showcases your skills and experiences effectively. This workshop is designed to assist you in creating a targeted resume that will make you stand out as a job applicant. In this workshop, you'll learn how to write an attention-grabbing HOT ZONE, target your resume […]


Assertive Communication – Westshore Centre

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

If you think communication is all about talking - you haven’t been listening! Communication is NOT all talk. Active listening is one of the most difficult skills to learn and yet it is one of the most essential. Why do arguments start when you thought everything was fine? How can you escape an argument before […]


Emotional Intelligence – Westshore

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you.


Job Search for Mature Workers – Westshore Centre

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

New! In this workshop you will learn the benefits of age diversity in the workplace and ways to overcome the challenges of finding meaningful employment as a mature worker.


Problem Solving – Westshore

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

Got a problem? If a boss or anyone else is to believe they can trust and depend on you he or she needs to know you have the ability to solve problems. There are some simple steps to enhance your problem-solving skills. Learn some very important questions to ask yourself first and then process of […]


Basic Computer Skills – Westshore Centre

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

In this workshop you will learn the following: Microsoft Word Basics  Using the Internet and Email for Job Search  Android Basics  Internet Safety   


Cover Letter Writing – Westshore Centre

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

A well-crafted cover letter can set you apart from other job applicants. This workshop will teach you how to format a cover letter correctly and use it to showcase your strengths effectively. In this workshop, you'll learn how to write a DISRUPTIVE cover letter that includes valuable additional information about yourself that's not already in […]


Self Esteem, Self Care, & Confidence – Westshore Centre

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

Is the way you see yourself the way you think others see you?  Do you think you are confident?   Where do we get confidence from?  How do we improve our self-esteem?  What does the ideal you look like?  How do you talk to yourself? These are important questions to explore if we want to grow, […]


Interview Skills – Westshore Centre

Westshore Centre | #202 - 3179 Jacklin Rd #202 - 3179 Jacklin, Langford, BC, Canada

In this workshop, you will be introduced to the different formats for interviews and learn how to give a good first impression. Learn possible answers to commonly asked interview questions, particularly those tricky behavioral questions. Note: Please bring a copy of your resume if you have one available. Previous attendance at the Skills ID or […]